Bags and containers with ‘UHF RFID’ label

For the collection of bags and the emptying of containers identified by an ‘RFId UHF’ label, however, the reading is carried out automatically on board the vehicle, where an antenna connected to the localization device is installed.

Given the variety of containers to be identified, it is proposed to install the antenna on the side of the vehicle, near the disposal mouth. In this way it is sufficient for the operator to pass near the antenna with the collected bag or container to be emptied, allowing the antenna to read the label code and identify the container.

Alternatively, the antenna could be installed in the upper part of the container lift, so as to read the label only when the container is at the top, being emptied. In this mode, the reading of the codes takes place at the same time as the emptying, and therefore guarantees that the codes read actually correspond to emptied containers, but it is effective only when the vehicle provides exclusively for the collection of containers to be emptied, while it is not appropriate when there is an activity mixed bag collection and container emptying.

The code readings, which always also include information on the username, date, time and location of the device, are sent in real time to the WAYWeb platform, where they are immediately available for viewing and other processing.

By reading the RFId tags housed in the containers/bags, and connected to the user’s identification data, it will be possible to carry out detailed analyzes relating to the user’s behaviour.

The set of information linked to the certification of a collection service will then constitute, in the specific report, the “service booklet”, which allows the verification of the service also by third party bodies.

All the provision information collected by the devices in the field is acquired and centralized in the central system, and enriched and correlated by this using the available personal information, making it available again (with the appropriate levels of segmentation and publishability) on the various dissemination channels available (portal, call center, etc.).